Thursday, September 14, 2006

Updates #3

Going Postal

After the mailman offered me the bike, he avoided me for a full month. When we finally ran into each other again, he told me that someone had stolen it “right out of the yard,” at which point I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I don't know that we could have forged a friendship based on the fact that he delivers my mail and once scared me with the doorbell.

The unlikeliness of a workable friendship was also apparent the day that the kiddies and I came back from the beach for school orientation, the mailman knocked on my door and said “If you had called me, I would have brought your mail today. The notice said you were coming back tomorrow.” I said, “Well, when I filled out the form, I wasn’t sure when I was coming back,” and he said, “If you had called me, I would have brought your mail today.” I wasn’t sure if he was looking for an apology or a promise to call him the next time I had mail held, and I wasn’t sure exactly why he thought I had his phone number, but if he is such a high-maintenance mailman, I can only imagine what sort of friend he is.

In other news, he’s growing back his ponytail, so I’m very curious as to why he cut it off (if we were friends I guess I could ask him). I wonder if it is a slow-moving (1/2-inch per month) defiance of the mailman grooming code.

Ole! Ole, Ole, Ole! Ole! Ole!

The US Team’s World Cup performance: P-U! P-U, P-U, P-U! P-U! P-U!

Even with the crappy refereeing, I still enjoyed the tournament, but Italy should never have won. Also, if a humiliating showing by the US was necessary to finally oust Bruce Arena (who I’m sure is a lovely man), I’ll put this World Cup behind me and cross my fingers for another four years.

Thomas Edison Would Be So Proud

My affection for the continuous spray sunscreen lasted approximately 3 days, which is how long it took the four of us to go through 2 cans. At that rate, we would have been through 40 cans by the end of the summer, and I likely would have had an annex of the Sussex County landfill named after me. I still wish sunscreen could be that easy, but if the can can’t be recycled, I can’t (Does anyone else have the can-can song going through their head?) justify it to my long lost chemist self.

In Search of a Perfect Snow Cone

While visiting auntie Erin in DC this summer, a trip that I started to chronicle prior to being sucked in to the wine bottle at my parents’ house, the kiddies had a chance to sample the Good Humor snow cone of my youth. I can report to everyone, that it has not changed in 30 years. At Aislinn’s insistence I bit into hers, and it was exactly the way I remembered it – completely disappointing. I showed the kids how to pull out the ice chunk and drink the juice at the bottom, but even the juice was tasteless. When I looked at the wrapper, I saw that they only have 30 calories, probably because more sugar would make them melt faster (ding!ding!ding!ding! the expensive college education pays off!). But the kiddies declared them delicious and powered through them, probably because they hadn’t eaten any lunch.


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