Monday, October 02, 2006

Temporarily Interrupted

Hello! This blog is being renamed, reorganized, and moved to a brand new spot. It is a process that could probably be accomplished by an accomplished person in 4 hours. I'm estimating about 4 weeks. That's not to say I won't be posting anything here in the meantime, it's just fair warning that while I attempt to teach myself web design (Yes, I know there are reasonably priced professionals out there who could do it, but that would not satisfy my obsessive-compulsive need to learn how to do everything myself) I will not have the available brain cells to write much.

Plus all the news that doesn't make me want to cry fills me with rage. And all the news that fills me with rage makes me want to cry.

So really, you're not missing much.

But I promise the crap will reappear in spectacular fashion as soon as possible.


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