Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Moving Day

Hello everyone! You were warned that this day was coming, and now I've got my new site up and running. Actually, it's up, but not fully running. If you click on the tabs that say "about" or "links" or "here" you'll find nothing, but I'm working on it. What happened was that while I was experimenting to see whether I could move everything here to the new site, I jumped the gun, and moved everything before I was ready. Now I've had to publish at both places to keep this one running and the other one up to date. Those extra mouse clicks are like spinning plates that I just can't run between any more.

I named this site 1500 words because I was trying to push myself to write a lot. Now that I've got the 2 blogs, 1500 words seems too long to write and usually too long to read. So I'm coming out from under that label so I can post as little or as much as I want at the new place without the title looking down and tsk-tsking at me. The Entropy Three will continue in its same spot.

Another advantage of the new site is the categories so all of my stuff can be filed away and if you are desperate to reread the post about when I cut the lawn, it will be easier to find.

For those of you that registered here to comment, I apologize that you'll probably have to reregister at the new site. This site will remain here too, because I'm too busy (lazy) to redo all of the links and because not all of the pictures transferred.

The challenges of learning to design the web page continue (like that font change in the middle of the post, don't even know where to begin fixing that), but hopefully it will be adequate for now. Anyway, thanks for reading and now I hope you'll click here to see the new site.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Short Recap of the Amazing Race

I'm too tired to go on at length with how pleased I am that Peter and Sarah are done for the season. They were so annoying that they almost drove me to Extreme Home Makeover (and that show has way too much emotion to watch on a regular basis). As a public service to those of you who don't watch The Amazing Race here's a little recap of Peter's performance this season:

Early in the race: "I just love, love, love my one-legged girlfriend."

Middle of the race: "My one-legged girlfriend is so slow and annoying."

End of the race: "I think my one-legged girlfriend and I will probably just be friends."

After Sarah tells Phil that Peter is not nurturing or kind: "How dare my one-legged girlfriend speak that way to me! I am going to f#$%&ng kill my one-legged girlfriend."

And if you freeze frame that scene, you can see it all over his face.